Get wise with your wealth

WealthWised is a learning program to master your financial situation and in-demand skills. Sign up today and start your journey.
Jason Vinder
Savings Progress
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Roth IRA Deposit
$250 Contribution
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Looks like your savings hit a new high! Super proud of you Jane 🙌
Thanks Ravi, it feels so good to be here
Goals for 2024
$100K+ in savings
Pay off all credit cards
750+ credit score
$175K+ income
Type here
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Why join WealthWised?

Deep education
Learn step-by-step how to manage your finances plus the hottest skills to learn, from technology to healthcare
Engaging financial literacy
Find a new career path
Nail your interviews
Powerful tools
Use our AI-driven tools to track your spending, saving, and credit, and even get help finding new jobs
365° view of finances
AI-assisted job finding
Credit-building tools
Human help
The entire time, our team of experts will be there to help you on your journey. We can't wait to help!
1:1 assigned coach
Weekly expert webinars
24/7 friendly support
Debt Management
Real Estate
Credit Scores
Estate Planning
Stock Market

Study financial literacy and in-demand skills

WealthWised is a learning program to master your financial situation and in-demand skills
Financial Literacy
Spending & budgets
Saving & investing
Planning to retire
Credit 101
In-Demand Skills
Coding & tech sales
Healthcare work
Trucking (CDL)

Level up with AI-enabled tools, personalized to you

365° financial analysis
Comprehensive insights into your financial health, plus analyze spending habits, savings, investments, & goals
AI-assisted job finder
Let our AI match your skills, experience, and preferences with suitable opportunities, plus things like resume generation
Credit-building tools
Monitoring and personalized recommendations, plus we'll report tuition payments to help build your credit history!
Maxing your IRA
$4,739 so far
On track?

You'll be supported
by our 24/7 coaches

On our Mastery Plan, you'll be matched with a 1:1 coach, get access to expert webinars, and even have 24/7 support with our coaches.
“The price of financial ignorance is high — adults must be equipped with classroom knowledge to avoid the heavy toll of real-world penalties”
Linsey Mills - Author
Chat with your coach
Looks like your savings hit a new high! Super proud of you Jane 🙌
Thanks Ravi, it feels so good to be here

Frequent questions

We know navigating your finances and career can be confusing; it's why our friendly team is here to help. If your question isn't answered here, get in touch with us!
What is WealthWised?
WealthWised is primarily a learning program to master your financial situation and in-demand skills. Our goal is to help people gain control over their financial situation, whether that's their income, savings, investments, or credit.

You'll learn the best-practices step by step, and also get access to our tools that make the journey a lot easier. Plus if you're in our Mastery Program, you'll be supported the entire time by our coaches.
Is WealthWised right for me?
If you're Bill Gates, you're probably good. But if you're looking to start saving more, figure out how to safely invest your money, fix up your credit, or make a lucrative career change, WealthWised might be the perfect fit for you!
How do I start enrolling?
If you're ready to enroll, visit our Programs Page, select which Program is right for you, and tap 'Enroll now' to begin the process. Within 2 hours, you'll receive a confirmation and next steps!
Are scholarships available?
We're proud to offer scholarships to students in need and through some of our select referral partners. To apply, just tap here.
Is there a refund policy?
Because we believe commitment is key to achieving results, and because the vast resources we provide are non-returnable/digital, all WealthWised enrollments are non-refundable. Please see your Student Agreement for more specific language.

Why WealthWised?
The difference is clear

Other programs
Fin literacy + skills
Included tools
Starts ~$3K
Up to $20K
No income share
Based on other leading financial courses
Goal progress
2024 taxes filed
Tax refund received

Ready to level up your finances?

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” - John Dewey